Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It had to be you...wonderful you...

In my wedding packages I offer PRE wedding photos to the bride. They usually have these photos done
when they do their hair and make up trial. It gives the brides a visual to base their decisions on hair and makeup, what they want and what they don't. And most importantly they can see themselves as a bride in their dream dress and that gets them even more excited for their BIG day. I love offering the PRE wedding photos to the bride and I think they love having the extra photos included in their package. As let's face it, not a lot of time is given to capture ALL the photos we would like to on the actual wedding day. So this helps complete the package and their look.

Sammie, who you see below, is fantastic, as she has allowed me to post her PRE wedding photos for you all to view. I really LOVED her dress and thought it was perfect for her. It's unique, even though it's strapless. Her style is classic with just enough bling. I was very honoured yesterday to photograph her. And I thank her mom and dad for allowing us to use their amazing home, with so much natural light that I was in heaven... thank you, thank you, thank you.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

A little video for Melly Belly! This Tornado loves you!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

It Really is YOU!!

Hi everyone,

As some of you might know, I just finished up a mini boudoir session with some beautiful ladies this past weekend. And I have been meaning, for a very long time now, to do a quick blog about what to expect when you get your photos back. So bare with me and I will try to make this as painless as possible (meaning I won't write a book).

When you hire a photographer there is something about their photos that speak to you, that makes you say HEY... I want to hire this person and get boudoir/glamour photos done. Right!? The photos may be soft, and classic or a bit edgy and raw and what ever your style is, something had to draw you to that certain photographer to make you want to have photos of yourself done, like you have seen on their website or facebook page.

So when you get your photos back, remember what it was that you loved about their style and get your brain in the right mode to say, my photos will be in this style that I love. Most ladies are in shock and they cannot believe that they are the person in the photo staring back at them. That is very normal!! As most of us are not use to seeing ourselves in full make up and hair and in lingerie. Not a normal occurrence in our everyday. So that alone is a shocking experience, especially if we have personal issues with ourselves. Remember that the photographer that you trusted to do your boudoir photos has a certain style, like I mentioned. So if you are wondering where your raunchy and over the top photos are and their photos are classic and beautiful, do not complain. It simply means you have hired the wrong photographer. That is why there is a large selection of them. Some love doing maxim shoots, some love being more creative and artsy, some love the classic boudoir poses in the bedroom, so re-search well. Photographers are not going to do something they do not feel comfortable doing, for the most part. Be clear in what you are looking for to the photographer you are considering. That is important! View their work, all of it!!! Ask for previous clients and write them.. see how their experience was. If you do not do these things before hand, you really cannot complain when you do not get what you want. A sad, but true story as well.

As well, do not make it your mission to find EVERY flaw that you feel you have, in each photo. My advice is to STOP the negative thinking and decide to pick 2 things or 5 things you love about your self in each picture you look at. We are sooo use to putting ourselves down, that you end up forgetting to see your beauty. And as a photographer, I can honestly tell you it's draining for me to constantly hear the negatives. Because all I see is your positives, your beautiful eyes, or full gorgeous lips, your quirky devilish smile, porcelain skin and your beauty. That is a true story! And I find it sad that so many woman who do these types of shoots, look at the negatives first. We need to turn it around and focus on the positives for your daughters and sons and the younger generations. I feel that is so important!!!

Boudoir photo shoots ARE meant to take you out of your comfort zone. Please, please, please remember that!!!! So when you view your photos, don't forget that either. Say to yourself - I did this photo shoot for myself because I wanted to feel beautiful and pretty and sexy and I wanted to do something DIFFERENT!!!! It always amazes me how so many people lose sight of that fact, when they get their photos back. And know that you need to keep looking at your photos, over and over and over again for a week, to get use to the fact that you seriously look great!! So take a week, take as long as you like, and after a week or more, if you still hate them, here is what you do.

Ask yourself, is this about my issues with my body image or looks, or is it the photographers work? Because there is a difference, trust me on that one. If you are the type of person who always views yourself in a negative way, then it's not the fault of the photographer. If after a week you are really not liking your photos because of the poses or lighting or just poor quality then by all means you have every right to contact your photographer and ask them to re-do them. Please always try to give them the benefit of the doubt, unless you found them to be rude. I cannot speak for other photographers, but if the photos are not professional looking and it was an error of mine in anyway, I will re-do the photos. So please know that. But I will not re-do them if it's because you are finding flaws in your self. So again, be clear on what you may be unhappy about.

Boudoir photos are a fantasy, a moment for you to let your hair down and be pampered and feel like a super model. My photos, for example, are artsy I feel. I like to push the girls to have many different expressions, ones they don't use day to day. Ones that make them look mysterious, strong and confident, sexy and playful, curious, surprised, thoughtful, sad, what ever emotion I can get - I try to capture. As I look at it this way, WHY would you spend the money you have to give me the same facial expression you do in every other candid shot that is taken of you at family gatherings or at parties. If you wanted that, then just get a friend to take your camera and take shots of you. I want you to have an experience like you have never had before. I want you to look at your photos and say, I am a teacher or a housewife or a nurse or server and I look like a FRICKIN model in a magazine. That is my soul mission. And if that is not something you want, then by all means... find a photographer who will give you the mundane. I won't!! I am far to creative to not give you more... LOTS more!

I just want you all to love at least 70% of your photos, not because you need to stroke my ego, I already know I am a not so bad photographer who gives not so bad quality of work to my clients. I want you to love 70% of your photos because I want you to stop beating yourself up and start looking at the positives, all the amazing beauty that I see when I capture you!

It really does blow my mind that you are ladies from Alberta, with every day careers and you look like top models for a day. When that happens, I know I have done my job well! You need to see that you have as well.

Find the power in your photos ladies. It's there, you just have to see it. None of the ladies from my last boudoir session have expressed concern. I just wanted to get this out there before they did. lol kidding!

Happy Holidays!


Friday, December 9, 2011

Mini Boudoir Session

So I have 17 beautiful ladies this weekend for my mini boudoir session. Here are the first 3 lovelies from todays session. Looking forward to Saturday and Sunday.

MAKE-UP: Make-up by Souki